Now is the time to express yourself, remind yourself how brilliantly, beautifully and wonderfully you were made.
Remember when you were younger and you had time for you. You did as you pleased, went where you wanted?
Life gets complicated - we get careers, significant others, kiddos. The every day roll of life gets in the way.
My clients who hire me to pursue this luxury experience usually tell me in their questionnaire or through email how they often feel like they lost themselves in the process of becoming a wife, mother and career woman. This is the perfect opportunity to slow down, get pampered, focus on yourself for a day and remind you that the girl who was is still in there. She is just waiting for the perfect opportunity to let loose and express herself again.
we forget how beautiful we are as life goes on.
Having this experience will forever change how you view yourself and you have the rest of your life to look back on these photos and see how beautiful you really were and always have been.
